SPECIALS* Advance payment may required for all specials.
FREE INITIAL AYURVEDIC / HEALTH CONSULTATION (Includes: Pulse Assessment, Customized Diet Advice, Customized Treatment Plans and Herbal recommendations as per your body type) Regular: $ 150.00, 60 minutes Reffer 1 client for the same service and receive $ 50 off Reffer 2 clients for the same service and receive $ 100 off Reffer 3 clients for the same service and receive $ 150 off
EAR CANDLLING Regular: $ 50.00, 30 minutes each client 1 client for $ 30.00 (NOW)
any *Special 3*
School - University - College Student Special Initia Ayurvedicl Consultation + Ayurvedic medicines combo: $ 210.00 value $ 99.00, 45 minutes
Many Great Gift Ideas of Healthy products Buy Gift Vouchers for your Loved Ones (Ayurvedid Therapies, Products, Ayurvedic Medicines), Etc.
HEAD LICE NATURAL TREATMENT PACKAGE* (SPECIALLY DEVELOPED HERBAL FORMULA TO APPLY IN HAIR, SHAMPOO, SPECIAL COMB TO COLLECT LICE / NITS) * Some Conditions may apply: 1) Limited time offer, we have right to discontinue any special value without any prior notice 2) We have the right to limit any value packages 3) Some types of restrictions may apply on site 4) If you break any Special Value package then original price of each therapy or service or productzs will be charged. **until supplies last 5) *To Place an order and /or you can purchase gift vouchers for your friends / family members and co-workers / associates for other deals please visit "Specials" or fill-out form or feel free to give us a call at 4167789341, *Some conditions may apply. ,